
Featured Teachers

Engineering and Robotics students work together to construct their first robots. These robots will be used during the year's lesson activities. With over 60 students enrolled in these two programs, many students are learning through the SCHS STEM programs. Way to go Ms. Kascic & the engineering program!

Earthworms observation in biology classEarthworms observation in biology class 2

Earthworms observation in biology class 3Measuring Earthworm in biology class







Mrs. Carroll's biology classes had an up close experience this week with earthworms, in order to hone their observation and lab skills.

Staff at the Ward Hollow Wildlife Habitat Conservation



Ms. Estep and Ms. Mottesheard spent the first part of their summer break learning about the Ward Hollow wetlands that are located right in our city! The wetlands are maintained as a reclamation project sponsored by DOW and this workshop is for history and science teachers. Mrs. Estep and Mrs. Mottesheard will be able to take students on a learning field trip in the fall!

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